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Presented at;

The 18-19th Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (25-27 May 2018 Osaka, 14-16 June 2019 Yokohama, Japan), 

The 26-27th Annual Metting of International Congress on Nutrition and Integrative Medicine (ICNIM 2018-2019)  (21-22 July 2018, 27-28 July 2019, Sapporo, Japan),

The 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology (28-31 August 2019, Sapporo, Japan),

6th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry(1-31 November 2020, Online),

2nd Edition of Food Science and Technology Virtual (V-Food 2022) (15-16 April 2022, Online)


To be presented at;

The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Foods: Food, Microbiome, and Health (Foods 2022)  (1-15 October 2022, Online)



What is immunity?

Immunity (immune system) is a mechanism to protect the body from disease by identifying things that are not you (foreign body) and recognizing and removing pathogens that have entered the body from the outside and abnormal cells in the body such as cancer cells [1]. In this case, innate immunity detects foreign substances by patrolling and inflicts injury or eats them as the first attack. Natural killer (NK) cells, macrophages, and neutrophils (white blood cell) play this role (Fig. 1).

Furthermore, it issues an alarm, transmits foreign body information (antigen), and encourages the creation of antigen binding molecules (antibody) with high specificity for each specific structure. Dendritic cells do this.

Acquired immunity receives this information and responds to it. Information (antigen) is transmitted to helper T cells, that activate macrophages of the innate immune system. At the same time, because there are initially few cells specific for each foreign body, cytokines are sent to B cells and killer T cells, where they are activated to proliferate and produce sufficient numbers to initiate effective attack. They also store information about foreign objects and produce long-lived cells that can quickly attack the same foreign object when they encounter it again.

Among these, natural killer (NK) cells are currently attracting attention [2].




Fig.1  Mechanism of immunity



Natural killer (NK) cell 


Natural killer (NK) cells first attack foreign objects in the innate immune response as described above [2]. In the acquired immune response, naive T cells produce long-lived memory cells that multiply and respond to foreign object invasion and infection but multiply in repeated encounters with the same foreign object (antigen) or pathogen.

Recently, however, it has been reported that NK cells proliferate 100 to 1,000 times after infection of the body, and remain in lymphoid and non-lymphoid organs for several months [2]. These self-replicating memory NK cells rapidly degranulate upon reactivation and produce cytokines. This activates B cells and killer T cells, increasing their attack on foreign objects.

Therefore, NK cells have been found to be able to provide strong protective immunity against both innate immunity and acquired immunity, and they play a key role in improving immunity.




Activation of human NK cells by rapid and synchronized dormancy broken Kyoho grape seed endosperm (RSDB-GSE)

Activation of NK cells by dormancy broken Kyoho grape seed endosperm was examined under the assumption of oral administration (eating). As a result, a very high activation rate of more than 1.5 times was observed only after 2.5 hours, indicating a rapid and high efficacy (Fig. 2).




Fig. 2  Activation of human NK cells by rapid and synchronized dormancy broken Kyoho grape seed endosperm (RSDB-GSE)




Proliferative effect of human NK cells by rapid and synchronized dormancy broken Kyoho grape seed endosperm (RSDB-GSE)

The NK cell proliferation was examined by dormancy broken Kyoho grape seed endosperm to determine the effect of oral administration (eating). As a result, an extremely high growth effect of approximately 1.4 times was observed against control only after 2.5 hours, indicating a rapid and high efficacy. Therefore, two types of effects, activation and proliferation of NK cells, can be obtained simultaneously, and a synergistic effect is expected (Fig. 3).




Fig. 3  Pro-immunity effect of rapid and synchronized Kyoho grape seed endosperm (RSDB-GSE)




Rapid and synchronized dormancy broken Kyoho grape seed endosperm (RSDB-GSE)

We have succeeded in developing safe and highly functional food products without extraction or concentration of ingredients. We lose youthfulness and healthiness that declines with age. The vitality of Kyoho grape babies works on our body’s natural strength to help keep us in good condition. The product has been developed as a health food and is now being developed as a pharmaceutical product. Also for your precious dog!




[1] Chaplin, D. D. (2006). 1. Overview of the human immune response. Journal of allergy and clinical immunology117(2), S430-S435.

[2] Sun, J. C., Beilke, J. N., & Lanier, L. L. (2009). Adaptive immune features of natural killer cells. Nature457(7229), 557-561.

[3] Grudzien, M., & Rapak, A. (2018). Effect of Natural Compounds on NK Cell Activation. Journal of immunology research2018, 4868417.